What do the latest covid-19 updates mean for cyclists?

Riding the roadmap out of lockdown

As the exit plan is laid out for the UK to ease out of coronavirus restrictions, many of us wondering that this means for those of us who have had to shelve our race plans for over a year. When can we get back to group rides with our friends? When can we link back up with our local cycle club face-to-face?

Find out what the latest government announcement means for cyclists across the UK and which dates you’ll need to pop into your calendar!

Which sportives and races are open for entry?

Many of the planned cycling sportives in 2021 have already been sadly cancelled. Coronavirus restrictions naturally meant that many bike race organisers were unable to schedule sportives or re-arrange previously postponed sportives. Having said that, some races planned for later in the summer may still go ahead as government restrictions hopefully begin to ease. Remember that you should always check with the latest coronavirus guidance in your area before you plan on entering yourself into a race.

You can find out which sportives and races may potentially be open for entry near you via the following links:

Step One – March 8th

Coronavirus restrictions 8th March

  • Schools and colleges open for students.
  • Outdoor exercise (including cycling) with a person from another household allowed.

Step One – March 29th

  • Sport and leisure facilities allowed to open.
  • British Cycling Club rides on highways, trails and tracks open (maximum of 15 cyclists).
  • Indoor coaching and regional competitions open for under-18’s and disabled riders.
  • Outdoor training and coaching for all ages (number of cyclists dependent on coaches’ qualification).

Step Two – April 12th

Coronavirus restrictions 12th April

  • Two households can meet outdoors.
  • Gyms re-open.
  • All retail stores re-open.
  • Piloted road racing and downhill mountain bike events scheduled.

Step Three – May 17th

Coronavirus restrictions 17th May

  • Group and club rides on highways, trails and tracks.
  • Indoor and outdoor coaching and training for all ages.
  • Indoor regional and national competitions open for all ages.
  • 30-person limit outdoors.
  • International travel re-opens.

Step Four – June 21st

Cycling roadmap coronavirus restrictions

  • All cycling activity to resume.
  • No limits on social contact.
